Kitesurfing is a sport where progress is rapid. Only the first sessions require acquiring automatisms. It's not as physical as it looks, as all the power of the kite is handled by body weight through the harness. The arms are only used to pilot the wing.
Within the school, you can practice kitesurfing under the supervision of a state-certified and experienced professional. Classes take place in open water, from the safety boat, far from any obstacle and from the people on the beach.
Kitesurfing is an activity that absolutely requires supervision, especially during the first sessions. Even once autonomy has been acquired, it is recommended not to practice kitesurfing alone.
We offer introductory courses but also progression and improvement courses, as well as supervised navigation for more safety during your autonomous sessions.
For any information and reservations, do not hesitate to write to us directly on Whatsapp or call us on +33660418734
Our school is open from March to October. All kitesurfing equipment is provided.
The first 3 sessions allow you to discover the activity and have an overview of the sensations of gliding on the water and pulling a wing.
To navigate and be autonomous, a minimum of 5 sessions will be necessary.
If your goal is to achieve autonomy and buy your own equipment, here are the 5 necessary training sessions.
- 1st DAY - 1st Session
- 1st DAY - 2nd session
- 2nd DAY - 3rd session
- 3rd DAY - 4th session
- 4th DAY - 5th session
Meeting at 9am: Registration and Introduction to traction behind the boat with a kiteboard (leaving the water or waterstart, sliding, changing direction and perfecting support for the kite).
For the more advanced, glide management with the other foot in front.
Moving with the school truck. Bring sports shoes and sunglasses.
Theoretical course and piloting of the wing in 2 lines and 4 lines in a secure space, power management and discovery of the flight envelope, safety aspects.
Back to school at 5:30 p.m.
Management of a 4-line kite, relaunch of the kite in the water, bodydrag (bodydrag ) in full window and half window. Theory and safety aspects at sea.
First waterstarts with the board for the best.
Learning how to get out of the water (waterstart) and how to manage the power of the kite with the gliding support (board).
First edges on one side while maintaining homogeneous power with the kite.
Objective: start on both sides (starboard and port tack) keeping the speed as constant as possible.

2 days to start the activity and discover kitesurfing |
Improve your skills and raise your experience in order to access to a better level of autonomy before navigating alone. | |
1 session (3h30) |
3 sessions (3 x 3h30) |
5 sessions (5 x 3h30) |

To discover the activity, 3 sessions may be enough, but to be independent and buy your own equipment, a minimum of 5 sessions will be necessary.
Towed foil private lesson (boat) or any kitesurfing private lesson for 1 person *(1 hour) | |
Towed foil lesson or any kitesurfing private lesson for 2 people *(2 heures) Price per person | |
Towed foil lesson or any kitesurfing private lesson for 1 person *(2 heures) |
NO kitesurfing equipment rental *(3h30 watched navigation collective session) | |
INCLUDING kitesurfing equipement rental *(3h30 watched navigation collective session) |
You want to enjoy another dream destination holiday to learn Kitesurfing, contact us and join our kitesurfing trip *starting from 6 people |

As beginner, intermediate, advanced or expert, choose the suitable option from our offers.
Quelques explications pour la licence en ligne :
Vous pouvez régler le montant de la licence directement sur le site internet de la FFVL.Il faut juste que je la valide ensuite.
Pour cela, vous cliquez sur « c’est ma première licence » sauf si vous en aviez déjà une l’année dernière et ensuite vous donnez le nom de l’école AIR X KITE sous le numéro 01937 pour les licences temporaires et le nom du club MANDELIEU KITE CLUB N°01010 pour les licences annuelles et dans la perspective de continuer hors école.
Ensuite, vous remplissez la civilité et adresse.
Puis les choix de licence sont :
– cotisation fédérale + responsabilité civile (assurance)
– responsabilité civile : RC élève année kite (assuré dans le cadre des cours).
Pas besoin de prendre vol passion (magazine fédéral), ni l’individuelle accident. C’est à vous de voir, c’est optionnel.
Vous pourrez toujours prendre un complément de licence par la suite en fonction de votre progression si vous décidez de naviguer seul ou opter directement pour la licence pratiquant année.
4 types de licences possible :– Licence temporaire (5 €) : Elle est valable sur deux jours consécutifs uniquement.
– Licence école à l'année (24,5 euros en tout) : pratique encadrée en école à l'année. Le certificat médical est obligatoire.
Ici pour prendre votre LICENCE ELEVE ANNEE
– Licence primo accédant : Valable à l’année en école, en club et en dehors si vous souhaitez prendre des cours de perfectionnement, et naviguer en autonomie hors structure. Certificat médical obligatoire. La cotisation au Mandelieu Kite Club est incluse.Ici pour prendre votre LICENCE PRIMO ACCEDANT ANNEE
– La licence pratiquant vous permet de pratiquer à l'année en école, en club et de façon autonome. C’est cette licence qu’il faut prendre si vous en aviez déjà une l’année dernière. Le certificat médical est obligatoire. La cotisation au Mandelieu Kite Club est incluse.